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 I did my schooling at a school run by RSS (rashtriya swyam shevak sangh) GVLM Vidyalaya and 10+2 at HR Inter college, both at Sant Kabir Nagar, U.P..  The school life left an indelible mark on my personality and thinking. They were strict disciplinarian and infused a lot from  Indian tradition into my personality. That is where I learnt a lot of sanskrit prayers & mantras !!!!!

        My university life began at Gorakhpur University, where I completed B.Sc.(Electronics), a three year degree course run at the university premises. Initially, I was inclined to take up electronics as a career and also went through an extensive short term course on Digital Electronics and Microprocessor Controlled Circuits from CEDTI (Center for Electronics Design & Technology of India), Gorakhpur. Subsequently, I found the field of Fiber Optic Communication more interesting  and went for a specialization in "Fiber & Integrated Optics" while doing M.Sc. at the Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi.

          Immediately after completing M.Sc., I joined Center for Advanced Technology, Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, Indore in 1994 as a Scientist in the Laser Plasma Division, where I worked as laser engineer till 1999 and switched to the field of laser produced plasmas later on.

        I returned to IIT Delhi in 1999 to take up a Ph.D. (part-time) on Ultra-high Intensity Short-Pulse Laser Plasma Interaction with Prof. V. K. Tripathi of Dept. of Physics. I could submit my thesis in two and a half years only & I was awarded the degree in Oct. 2002.


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This site was last updated 07/18/10